GUEST POST: Car accidents involving pedestrians – how to determine fault and available compensation

Hit and run cases have reached an all-time high. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there is a considerable rise in the fatalities of #pedestrians that recorded 6,283 deaths in 2018. The number includes only fatalities arising from #caraccidents. It is no surprise that of all DLY Car Accidents Detroit in which vehicles hit pedestrians at high speed, it can result in serious #injuries and fatalities. But speed is not the main wrecker because a person hit by a car moving at 10 miles per hour can also undergo serious injuries.
The hazard of distracted driving
Most of the hit and run cases happen due to distracted driving, which is a widespread #hazard but commonly overlooked. It has been the reason for thousands of car accidents, injuries, and even deaths. Of all the fatal motor vehicle cases reported in 2019, distracted driving contributed 8.5%. Potentially dangerous distraction happens when drivers take their hands off the wheel, their eyes off the road, and their mind wanders away from the task of driving. All such actions can lead to injuring pedestrians, and it can also happen when drivers take to reckless driving at high speed.
Suppose your car hits a pedestrian, then you must know what to do immediately after the accident. If you are the driver, then you must know the basic rules of fault, the method of compensating injuries and damages, and, most importantly, how to drive safely to avoid such accidents.
Insurance coverage for pedestrian accidents
Health and disability insurance policies typically provide cover for injured pedestrians, and similar coverage is available under worker’s compensation coverage. Also, they may seek cover under auto insurance policies.
Auto liability insurance – An injured pedestrian can get compensation from the vehicle owner’s or driver’s auto liability insurance policy. Almost all states mandate auto owners and drivers to carry auto liability insurance to cover personal injuries to third parties as well as damage to property of third parties. Recoveries depend on the type of coverage in the insurance policy and who caused the accident.
No-fault coverage – In no-fault states, there are about a dozen such states, insurance companies must pay for the lost wages and medical expenses of their policyholders irrespective of who was at fault. This kind of policy is also known as Personal Injury Protection (PIP) policy.
The laws between the states vary when it comes to compensating pedestrians. Some states allow the driver’s #insurancecompanies to pay for pedestrian’s medical expenses up to the PIP limit even if the pedestrian was at fault.
Avoiding pedestrian accidents
Drivers must comprehend the true meaning of defensive driving to avoid pedestrian accidents. Defensive driving means being aware of people, who walk, operate a wheelchair, use a bicycle, roller skate, rollerblade, play in the road, or raise an electric scooter. Drivers must be especially careful about paying attention to older adults and young children, who may be less aware of drivers on the road, most likely not pay attention to traffic signals and stray outside crosswalks.
Consult a lawyer to gather the right insights about your case and the possibility of getting the proper compensation.
Author bio:
Kelly Wilson is an experienced and skilled Business Consultant and Financial advisor in the USA. She helps clients both personal and professional in long-term wealth building plans. During her spare time, she loves to write on Business, Finance, Marketing, Social Media. She loves to share her knowledge and Experts tips with her readers.
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